Archbishop Quintin Moore’s post-convocation reflections
New Diocesan Bishop for the Diocese of St. Anthony (CEEC-USA)
Archbishop Reinhard Sekar of CEEC-India visits the United States
Archbishop Reinhard Sekar, Metropolitan and Presiding Archbishop of CEEC-India, made a visit to the United States from mid-April to mid-May 2023. During that time, Archbishop Reinhard visited multiple states, primarily in the Great Plains, visiting friends, ministry partners, and congregations—including a few in the CEEC—as well as a visit to some national interest sites, such as a chapel dedicated to the Roman Catholic priest, Blessed Stanley Rother in Oklahoma City, OK.
Archbishop Reinhard strengthened his connection with the CEEC, not only by visiting congregations, but also by spending time with founding archbishops Michael Owen, Wayne Boosahda, and Dr. Robert Wise in Oklahoma, and current Presiding Bishop of the CEEC, Archbishop Quintin Moore, in Kansas. While visiting Kansas, Archbishop Reinhard preached at the midweek service of Archbishop Quintin’s cathedral, The Father’s House. The time of teaching was a powerful time during which Archbishop Reinhard ministered a time of prayer and healing for the cathedral community. A video of the service may be seen here.
Abp. Reinhard and the clergy of CEEC-India oversee several hundred churches with more being added every year. We pray for Abp. Reinhard’s strength and health as he continues to travel and share the love of God. If you would like to financially support the work of CEEC-India, please contact our office.
2023 CEEC Convocation
To the most reverend, right reverend, and reverend clergy, religious, laypersons, jurisdictions, and congregations of the CEEC,
On behalf of our Presiding Bishop, Quintin Moore, we announce the 2023 CEEC Convocation:
Registration maybe found here.
New CEEC-USA Diocese Established in Florida
(The Presiding Bishop of the CEEC, The Most Revd Quintin Moore, hands a crozier to Bishop Sean Yost, the newly-installed diocesan bishop of the newly-established Diocese of Redemption.)
The Diocese of Redemption was formally established and Bishop Sean Yost was installed as its first Diocesan Bishop on Saturday, April 16, 2023, at Redeemer Church in Jacksonville, Florida during a celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The service also included the reception of priests and deacons into the Diocese, as well as the ordination of two deacons and one priest.
(Archbishop Quintin and Bishop Sean with the newly ordained.)
The service of installation was presided over by our Presiding Bishop, the Most Reverend Quintin Moore. Representatives for the House of Bishops sent letters attesting to their affirmation of this next phase of +Sean’s episcopal ministry.
The House of Bishops of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches unanimously approved the establishment of the new diocese at its September 2022 Synod and approved the plans for moving forward that culminated with +Sean’s installation. +Sean was consecrated by in 2005 by four Bishops in apostolic succession and has served as a suffragan bishop in the Communion during this time.
Sean and his wife, Deacon Barbara, were a part of the founding leadership team of Redeemer Church. Pastor Sean served as both Youth Pastor and an Associate Pastor before transitioning to Lead Pastor in 2012.
(Bishop Sean and Deacon Barbara Yost and their family.)
Sean’s heartbeat is to see unity amongst the body of Christ in Jacksonville and around the world. He is the Founder & President of YouthQuake Live, a monthly show created and performed by teenagers to reach their peers.
Redeemer Church and the Diocese of Redemption is driven by Bishop Sean’s vision that is dedicated to the Unity of the Church, Intentionally Generational, Rooted in History, and Strategically Missional.
Our congratulations to +Sean and all the clergy and faithful of the new Diocese.
Prayer for the Diocese of Redemption
God our Father, in all the churches scattered throughout the world you show forth the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Through the Gospel and the Eucharist bring your people of the Diocese Redemption together in the Holy Spirit and guide them in your love.
We acknowledge with deep gratitude your abundant blessings bestowed on +Sean and Barbara+ over the last several years
We ask you to bless this new Diocese and its people as the embark on this next phase of ministry. Inspire them to build on the work of the faithful who have gone before them. Give them strength and courage to embrace their Diocesan vision and mission. Help all who travel with them to be conscious of their baptismal responsibility to be bearers of God’s love and embody the hope of the Gospel. Through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Archbishop Robert Wise’s new novel focuses on an American martyr-priest
Archbishop Robert L. Wise recently completed The Making of a Martyr, his 36th published book. The story of Father Stanley Rother takes the reader into the death of the first martyr in the history of the American Roman Catholic Church. A missionary priest, Blessed Stanley Rother was shot in Guatelmala in 1981 because the government feared his influence with his people. He refused to leave the country because he was a shepherd who wouldn’t run. Christians from a variety of backgrounds will find his story compelling and inspiring. A very ordinary man, Blessed Stanley Rother maintained his faith to the end.
At the dedication of the Rother Shrine in Oklahoma City on Friday, February 17, 2023, Archbishop Wise was honored to be invited as an ecumenical observer and joined guest from around the world The dedication and consecration was an extremely beautiful and moving service that was awe inspiring.
Archbishop Wise would encourage anyone passing through Oklahoma City to visit the shrine and learn more about this first Catholic priest from America who was a Martyr.
In Memoriam | Stephanie Booshada (1952-2022)
Stephanie Boosahda (February 7, 1952 - October 4, 2022) wife of Bishop Wayne passed into the loving arms of her Savior today October 4, 2022, the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi.
Almighty and eternal God,
from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted, either by death or life:
hear our prayers and thanksgivings
for Stephanie Boosahda:
fulfill in her the purpose of your love: and bring us all, with her, to your eternal joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rest eternal grant unto her, O Lord:
And let light perpetual shine upon her. May she Rest In Peace.
The Viewing for our beloved Stephanie will be held on Monday, October 10 from 5-7 pm at Buchanan Funeral Service (8712 N. Council Road Oklahoma City, OK). A service of Victory and Homegoong will be held on Tuesday, October 11 at 2:00 pm at the Church of our Savior (5600 NW 63rd St. Warr Acres, OK) with Internment immediately following at Memorial Park Cemetery (13313 N. Kelly Ave Oklahoma City, OK)
The CEEC Remembers Bishop Tony Palmer, who passed 6 years ago today
Today I and the entire CEEC family remember our fellow Bishop, Tony Palmer. Bishop Tony passed into eternity six years ago today. July 20, 2014. He truly was and remains a great inspiration to us.
Bishop Tony was the founder of The Ark Community of the CEEC (Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches). He worked with “Acres of Love” (a ministry for orphans in South Africa) for many years. Bishop Tony was the ecumenical officer for the CEEC.
Bishop Tony often remembered as the spiritual son and dear friend of Pope Francis. Bishop Tony and Pope Francis became friends; friends who shared the hope for unity within the Body of Christ. At the request of Pope Francis, Bishop Tony used his iPhone to record a message entitled “The Miracle of Unity.” That little video would inspire millions of believers and irritated others. Either way the call for “unity” was heard around the world. It is amazing what two friends can do.
A few days before Bishop Tony death he wrote these words: “People are God’s conduits through which He releases His blessings to us. He blesses us, but uses people to do it. Therefore if we break a relationship or a friendship we are effectively eliminating a possible sacred conduit, through which our prayers could be answered.” “This means that respecting, nurturing and even investing in right relationships, is as important as our prayers themselves.
Our relationships are vital for our prayers to be effectively answered - People are sacred conduits. But not all see the sanctity of relationships. Many do not honor relationships - some ‘use’ relationships and others even descend to abusing them.” “Relationships are sacred. Destruction is the fruit of broken relationships, but respected and nurtured relationships bring us life. Let us commit ourselves to see our relationships with those around us in a new light. Ask God to become aware of the Sacred Conduits in your life.” Bishop Tony truly was a “sacred conduit” into our lives.
I am personally blessed to have known Bishop Tony as a friend. He truly blessed my life. Today I am reminded of how precious relationships are to each one of us. After finishing a conversation with Bishop Tony a few months ago I realized that I was, and will remain, “a friend of a friend.” My friend Tony was a “friend” of Pope Francis. Therefore, Pope Francis and I are also friends because of our mutual friendship with Tony. Due to their friendship many of us have been encouraged that “visible unity” is a real possibility in the Body of Christ. We still grieve at the passing of our friend and brother Bishop. And yet we rejoice knowing that he awaits each of us at the great feast.
Today we renew our commitment to pray and seek the manifestation of the prayer of the dying Messiah: “....that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me” (John 17:21). If we think about it, we are all “a friend of a friend.” Real friendship is what brings real transformation in the world. Real friendship will manifest the unity that Christ prayed for.
Archbishop Quintin D. Moore
Presiding Bishop of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches
COVID-19 Update in India from Archbishop Reinhard Sekar
Dear Family,
Grace and Peace in Christ’s Holy Name. I pray for each of you daily and trust that the Lord’s Presence is bringing peace into every area of your lives.
We continue to live through challenging times and yet we know that when “darkness covers the earth great light shines upon us.” In a world that is divided by so many things we are united by “Christ and Christ alone.” I am very aware that all of us are having to make decisions that are best in our contexts that others would not understand nor have a firm grasp of. I hope that each of us would be in prayer for one another for continual guidance.
Over the last eighteen months, our church in India has suffered under truly unbelievable conditions. They have buried a number of their priests and many have lost everything. Several of you have helped with finical aid for which we are greatly appreciative.
Several of us have sent some emergency funds but the ongoing need will continue until there is some relief from this pandemic. I am writing to you asking you to consider two things. First, a one-time gift of any size, and secondly, consider monthly support of any amount. You can send your support through the mail or you can do that online at / text 620-860-4110 INDIA.
We ask that those in the Communion and it's Provinces prayerful consider offering assistance in any way possible to help priests and bishops in India with housing and medical needs.
Please know that your prayers and support are greatly appreciated.
Yours In Christ,
Abp. Quintin Moore
The CEEC Mourns the passing of Archbishop Duraisingh James
Almighty God, we praise you for your servant Duraisingh James, who made the good news known in India. Raise up, we pray, in every country, heralds of the gospel, so that the world may know the riches of your love, and be drawn to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for having raised up Duraisingh James as a faithful bishop in this Communion, May the memory of his life be a source of joy and strength to those who knew him and may each of us like him confess before the world the name of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
As the Presiding Bishop and on behalf of all the bishops, priest, deacons and faithful baptized in The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches we wish to extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family, clergy and people in India for him his life and witness meant so much.
It was with heaviness of heart that we received word from India this week that our fourth Presiding Bishop Duraisingh James had passed from this earthly life into the eternal presence of the God whom he loved and served with all his heart. We were informed earlier on November 29th, 2019 that +Duraisingh had officially retired from his role in India. In recent years our dear brother has battled challenges with the death of his wife as well as suffering a sever stroke and the ongoing difficulties and suffering this caused. During this time his wonderful family has lovingly cared for him in caring and sacrificial ways and we know he was very proud of them and expressed this on many occasions. We will be eternally grateful for the love and commitment that +Duraisingh showed for our Lord Jesus Christ and the countless lives that have been transformed by the saving message of Jesus Christ that he so faithfully proclaimed.
Duraisingh was received into The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches in the summer of 1997 by our first Presiding Bishop Michael Owen after having previously been ordained as a presbyter in the Church of South India (Anglican Communion) in 1977.
Later that year the Presiding Bishop presented him to the International House of Bishops for discernment for consecration as a Bishop. Prior to the Synod his educational and ministerial references, testimonials, and election of the people in India he represented had all been submitted and reviewed. During the Synod each member of the house of bishops interviewed Reverend Duraisingh. Time was given for private discussion, prayer and fellowship among the bishops. At the conclusion of the House of Bishops Synod his election as a bishop was unanimously affirmed. The announcement was made that the Reverend Duraisingh James would serve as our first Bishop in India. On Sunday, April 19, 1998 the Reverend Duraisingh James was consecrated as a Bishop in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church for The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches. The service was held at Church of the Redeemer in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. During a celebration of The Holy Eucharist with over 300 people in attendance as witnesses of this historic consecration. Duraisingh was nominated by and elected under the CEEC's first Presiding Bishop Michael Owen, and was consecrated by the second Presiding Bishop of the CEEC, Bishop Wayne Boosahda serving as his chief consecrator. His co-consecrators were Bishop Robert Wise and Bishop Jim Beckett. Present at the consecration and serving as Duraisingh's Chaplain that day was CEEC priest Fr. George Landry who was a faithful and constant supporter to the Bishop from the time of his consecration until the day he passed from this earthly life. The bishop often referred to Fr. George as dad. At the time of his consecration he was overseeing 135 congregations in India and and traveling throughout the country holding evangelistic crusades, planting churches and winning people to Christ. During this time he was also was finishing his doctoral studies with the help of the Billy Graham foundation as a scholarship awardee. Throughout the years, Duraisingh was entirely committed to evangelism, church planting, Christian education and attempting to meet social and community concerns and needs. Throughout the years he served as the chairman of the Alpha Indian board with several thousand Alpha courses being taught and conducted. He assisted in alpha courses in all regions in India. He was heavily involved in the My Hope India Project that was sponsored by the Billy Graham Association in which thousands of Christian leaders were trained to follow the Matthew and friends model for evangelism. He served as the director for the Antioch College and Seminary for seminarians who were trained as pastors and evangelists, as well as supporting the Widows Home for widows with monthly medical care and helping with expenses in the event of death. For many years he served as the rector/pastor at St. Thomas' Tamil Cathedral in Secunderabad, India. St. Thomas (SPG) Tamil Cathedral is one of the oldest churches in the city of Secunderabad, India. The church was built in the year 1852 by the British missionary society called the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts which was a mission organization of The Church of England. Duraisingh was put forth and nominated as the fourth Presiding Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches by Archbishop Russell McClanahan and was unanimously elected by The International House of Bishops. I know that Archbishop Russ has a deep respect for Duraisingh as he continued to build on many foundations he had laid during his time as presiding Bishop. One of his lasting legacies will always be the bishops that he consecrated in the nation of India. During his episcopal ministry Duraisingh not only established a CEEC presence but passed on the apostolic succession to many other qualified men who oversaw their own networks of believers as autocephalous jurisdictions and who stood within our apostolic succession and in communion with each other. One of the bishops in this linage is Archbishop Reinhard C. Sekar. We are blessed to have Archbishop Reinhard in the IHOB of the CEEC as Archbishop for the Province of St. Thomas in The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches.
The Most Rev. Dr. Chandrasekaran (A) Reinhard C. Sekar is Primate of the Charasmatic Churches of India Archbishop in The Evangelical Episcopal Communion and The Archbishop of The Province of St. Thomas as an extra territorial Province In the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches.
Our deepest condolences and prayers go out to his family and each of the bishops that were consecrated by Duraisingh and the various jurisdictions and networks they represent in India and around the world and our prayers are with them in this difficult time.
We give thanks to God for this wonderful man, a follower of Jesus Christ, a loving husband, father and grandfather, faithful pastor and Bishop. Each of us in The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches feel honored to have known this humble servant of the Lord. May his memory be blessed forever.
Heavenly Father, we pray that you would give courage and faith to all who mourn during this time, give them a sure and certain hope in your loving care, that casting all their sorrow on you, they may have strength for the days of head. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives with you and the Holy Spirit one God world without end. Amen.
Lord of Life and Love, we give you thanks and praise because by the death of our Savior Jesus Christ you destroyed the power of death and by his resurrection you opened the kingdom of heaven to all who believe. Make each of us who are still on our earthly pilgrimage and who walk by faith confident that because he lives we shall live also. In the loss of our brother Bishop Duraisingh James we are reminded that neither death nor life, nor things present for things to come, will be able to separate us from your love in Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God, now and forever. Amen.
Archbishop Quintin Moore re-elected as Presiding Bishop of the CEEC
On Thursday March 5th Archbishop Quintin Moore was reelected for another four year term as Presiding Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches and the International House of Bishops. His reelection took place during a meeting of all nine sitting Archbishops who unanimously re-elected him for a second term.
The Archbishops represent the Provinces, bishops, priests, deacons and faithful baptized of the Communion with a footprint and witness in 22 countries. The Archbishops moved to do this prior to October so that all would be free to focus on the 2020 October Synod of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches which will be our 25th anniversary. This Synod is shaping up to be the largest gathering of Bishops in the 25 year history of the CEEC as in the last few months the Communion is experiencing unprecedented unity and momentum.
Archbishop Russ McClanahan, founding member of The CEEC, on behalf of the International House of Bishops, said, ”Archbishop Quintin has shown true leadership the past four years. His tenure as Presiding Bishop has brought stability, clarity, and furthered the unity of our communion. The Communion is blessed to have him as our Presiding Bishop.”
His first term will officially end this October and the second four year term will begin and run concurrently through October 2024.
Archbishop Quintin, in addition to serving as the Presiding Bishop of the CEEC, also serves as the Presiding Bishop of Province USA, the Diocesan Bishop of the Diocese of Restoration and Pastor of The Father's House.
The CEEC welcomes Archbishop Reinhard as Archbishop in International House of Bishops
The International House of Bishops of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches, CEEC recently elected and affirmed Archbishop Reinhard in India to be an Archbishop in the International House of Bishops overseeing the Province of Saint Thomas within the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches, CEEC worldwide family.
With the addition of Archbishop Reinhard, the CEEC has a footprint and influence in 72 countries around the world.
We recognize Archbishop Reinhard as the Primate of the Charismatic Churches of India, an Archbishop in Archbishop Russell McClanahan’s jurisdiction, as well as the Archbishop now of The Province of St. Thomas, CEEC which encompasses all of which he is giving oversight.
He was unanimously elected by the Archbishops in the International House of Bishops. Bishop Reinhard was presented to us by one of our founding bishops, and the third Presiding Bishop of the Communion, who has current Provincial status in the International House of Bishops which is Archbishop Russell McClanahan. Bishop Reinhard has been a member of Bishop McClanahan’s Communion which has Provincial status within the larger Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches and the two of them share a very special relationship and deep bond.
We have grown in our love and appreciation for him and his faithfulness to the Gospel. From this time forward he will be serving as our official representative in India and other places beyond India in which clergy and churches look to him for leadership. We desire to welcome him and communicate that he is an Archbishop in the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches International House of Bishops and in full communion with us and all we oversee.
Province USA Experiences Growth
The CEEC Province USA has in recent months, experience a large growth of ordained clergy, both deacons and presbyters, into ministry.
In 2019, The Diocese of the Restoration, under Archbishop Quintin Moore, ordained 20 deacons and presbyters throughout the year.
The Diocese of St. Anthony, under Bishop Ed Gungor, recently ordained a 5 of new presbyters in 2019 and 4 deacons in their recent Diocese retreat earlier this year.
The CEEC Province USA continues to grow with a number of people processing through the formation classes in order to be ordained into Holy Orders.
Russ Hale Consecrated as new Bishop
On November 9, 2019 Russ Hale was consecrated as the newest Bishop in The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches at Sanctuary Church in Tulsa, OK. He will be serving as a Bishop with the Province USA. It was a beautiful service in which six of the Communion’s bishops (two of which were founding bishops) participated and Presiding Bishop Quintin Moore served as the chief consecrator. It was a deeply moving time. Please continue to keep Bishop Hale in your prayers to live out this calling with fidelity and courage.
Bishop Hale serves as the endorsing agent for the CEEC Chaplaincy Program that oversees the military and civilian chaplains serving our Armed Forces.
2019 Synod Recap
On October 8th and 9th of 2019 The International House of Bishops of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches™ met in Synod in Hutchinson, Kansas, U.S.A. to reaffirm their unity and common mission as a Communion in the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
This was done during a celebration of the Holy Eucharist and reaffirmed in the Archbishops Synod Meetings which followed.
The Archbishops of the Provincial Jurisdictions in the Communion, including The Province USA, United Kingdom, Canada, and India, as well as the Society of Saint Patrick and others beyond these Provinces have reaffirmed their unity.
One Province, made up of several Bishops and Archbishops decided to form their own communion called The Continuing Evangelical Episcopal Communion. Though saddened by this departure, The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches™ wishes the new communion and their members all the best and the Lord’s blessing in their new endeavor.
In addition to this, six of the seven Presiding Bishops in the history of our Communion or their official representative have reaffirmed their unity with each other and the International House of Bishops.
The unity of the Communion at the international level was reaffirmed by the affirmation and signing of The Communion's Instruments of Unity.
The Instruments of Unity are the core values of the CEEC that hold each province and jurisdiction together relationally. Each province uses these Instruments as pillars of the CEEC and through them can express convergence within their own context or area.
The unity of the CEEC is maintained through a collegial relationship of each member of the International House of Archbishops who represents various Provinces, Orders, and Jurisdictions throughout the world and their affirmation and participation in the Instruments of Unity.
Because the CEEC since its inception has been a Communion and not a Denomination, each Jurisdiction that has a seat in the International House of Bishops is a separate, corporate, and legal entity in keeping with the respected laws of those places they live and minister. Each Jurisdiction maintains their own Cannons adapted to the varying needs of their respected jurisdictions while guarding the apostolic succession, apostolic tradition, and their common life.
We look forward to the next Synod of The International House of Bishops which will be in October 2020 as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary as a Communion.