Province of Canada
The Province of Canada is a relationally and geographically organized province of the CEEC
Archbishop Daniel Zopoula
Abp Daniel Zopoula's journey is rooted in a rich African tradition that put a premium on grounding of personhood, the gentle embrace of others, cultural manners and social justice.
Devoted in Christian Practice, Abp Zopoula’s life manifests compassion, creativity and hope for families and individuals. He is an internationally known consultant, educator, entrepreneur and public speaker, a long-distance runner in the struggle for justice.
In addition to leading the Province of Canada, Abp Zopoula is also the Founder and President of Bridges of Hope, a non-profit organization with a mandate to dramatically drive systemic change in education, youth development, public health, economic development and other levers of opportunity that address community needs and improve the lives of people everywhere.
Moreover, he is the Bishop and founding Pastor at the Miz City Church in Lethbridge, Canada, an author, and an inspirational speaker.