Society of St. Patrick & St. Aidan
The Society of St. Patrick & St. Aidan is a personal prelature of The CEEC.
Archbishop Wayne Boosahda
The purpose of the Society of St. Patrick and St. Aidan is to provide a flexible ecclesias-tical authority structure for facilitating new jurisdictions, local congregations and clergy being brought into full affiliation with the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Church-es through a “missionary” dynamic that enables said jurisdictions, local congregations and clergy to affiliate and receive episcopal incardination in the CEEC while maintain-ing relational and ecclesiastical connection with Archbishop Paul Wayne Boosahda as their Archbishop.
The mission of the Society is to engage in the apostolic mission of the Gospel our Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming, living and demonstrating the Good News of His saving love and redemptive rule for the salvation and reconciliation of human beings and of all creation to the friendship of the Triune God, the Creator, Sustainer and Ruler of all.
A key element of the mission of the Society shall be the planting and/orfacilitating and equipping support and training of new local Eucharisticworship communities gathered around the Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit in the fellowship of the Apostolic Tradition and Faith passed on from our Lord Jesus Christ to His Apostles, and through them to believers of all ages.