The CEEC leadership honors the age-old distinction of the diaconate, presbytery, and bishops (a structure also known as episcopacy), which is committed to the unity of the Church universal (ecumenism). The CEEC is a communion of churches and provinces exploring opportunities to bridge the historical, liturgical, and apostolic ministry with modern Evangelical and Charismatic contexts.
Each province is autonomous, relating to each other through the Instruments of Unity.
The CEEC embraces convergent expressions of worship and practice brought together by the shared pillars of the Anglican tradition (or Anglican / Lambeth Quadrilateral):
1. Scripture
2. The Creeds
3. The Sacraments
4. The Episcopacy
We strive to reflect the organic unity established by Jesus Christ by encompassing both protestant and catholic traditions, as well as embracing convergent expressions of worship and practice.
The CEEC emerged through an organic movement of faith leaders known as the Convergence Movement in which Anglican communities cultivated a rich openness to the gifts of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in corporate worship, while Evangelical churches reached back to the buried treasures of sacred sacraments, scripture, liturgies and creeds.
There, amidst this intentional convergence, the Church reunited with itself across traditions in a richness of worship that transcended stylistic and doctrinal differences to celebrate a singular, common faith.
The CEEC is held together by Instruments of Unity to which each province can use to express the Convergence Movement within their area and region.